Official press conference for IFT 3 Pakistan vs India
Catch the official press conference for the International Fighting Tournament Season 3! Pakistan vs. India—don’t miss the build-up to this epic showdown!”
The much-anticipated Indo-Pak Fighters Championship, held ahead of Sunday’s event, showcased the excitement surrounding this epic showdown. Fighters from both India and Pakistan expressed their readiness, having dedicated months to intensive training for this historic encounter. Set to take place on October 27, 2024, at 5 PM, the event promises to be a thrilling display of skill, strength, and sportsmanship. As fighters took the stage, they shared their strategies, respect for their opponents, and commitment to representing their nations proudly. Organizers emphasized the importance of such events in fostering unity and appreciation between the two countries through sport. With fans eagerly awaiting the bout, it’s bound to be an unforgettable evening.