Kala shah Kaku: Mixed Martial Arts MMA National Championship 2023 has concluded at Amphitheater Phase 2 SA Gardens. The finals of the four-day tournament were held on Sunday. The finals began with the recitation of the Holy Quran. A minute’s silence was observed to show solidarity with Palistines Muslims. Chairman Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation Shoaib Afzal Malik congratulated the winners of the tournament while he said that those who did not win should not lose heart but should work hard and success in the next event will be their destiny.On the last day, there were a total of 15 fights in the mile and per mile category. In the first 47kg per mile competition, Bano Butt defeated Rafi, in the second 52kg per mile competition, Shahab overpowered Shayan, in the third 52kg per mile competition, Bushra defeated Laiba, in the fourth 56kg per mile competition, Zeeshan won against Miraj in the fifth 56kg per mile competition, Iman beat Zainab, in the sixth 61kg mile competition, Rehan defeated Gul Zamani, in the seventh 61kg per mile competition, Shaughta overpowered Zainab, in the eighth 65kg mile competition, Siddiqullah defeated Rashid Gujjar. In the 9th 65 kg per mile competition, Bushra defeated Maryam, in the 10th 70 kg per mile competition, Shahab defeated Hussain, in the 11th 70 kg per mile competition, Maskan defeated Aram, in the 12th 77 kg per mile, competition, Sajid won against Habibullah.Amanah Siddiq defeated Rabia Batul in the 13th 77kg per mile competition, Abdul Sami was declared the winner against Salar in the 14th 83kg mile competition, Saeed Mohammad defeated Zalqarnain in the 15th 93kg mile competition. R. Salman Zia, Director, Tahrir Daily Pakistan Nauman Ahmad Bajwa, Director Sales Ahmed Raza, Director Marketing SA Gardens Zaomaran Khan, Security Head SA Gardens Colonel (Rtd) Arshad Saeed Butt,General Manager Machinery Adnan Aftab, President Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation Babar Raja, all the provincial presidents of the federation, and a large number of people were present. Big screens were also arranged for the convenience of the fans. Special thanks to SA Gardens and President Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation Babar Raja for doing this. At the end of the ceremony, Chairman Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation Shoaib Afzal Malik distributed belts and prizes worth millions to the winners.
NFT 3 Finals Results