Third Mixed Martial Arts Technical Official Course 2022
Third Mixed Martial Arts Technical Official Course 2022 was held at Arfa Karim Tower in collaboration with SA Gardens Lahore on 8th October 2022. Teachers, referee and Judges from all around the country attended the course. The objective of this course was to educate the participants about the International rules and regulations regarding MMA.
The honorable chief guest and Chairman Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation Mr. Shoaib Afazal Malik along with Babar Raja the President Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Federation were heading the course.
The President PMMAF Babar Raja said that we have always been trying to bring all MMA players together on one platform and Alham Do Lillah we are going towards success in our goal. He also said that many people all across the country have now become the part of this Federation, in the current era while Pakistan is making its name in other sports, it is our utmost struggle that our MMA players also get recognition on International level and make the country proud.
During the course Ecommerce expert Usman Chugtai also gave briefing to judges and referees on Ecommerce. He explained the importance of Ecommerce business in today’s age trough which we can improve the earning potentials of individuals and also bring foreign exchange to the country.